Amp it! Using gamification to energize your incentive program

Your channel incentive program isn’t drawing as many channel partner participants as it did a couple of years ago. Your program’s ROI has come under suspicion/scrutiny. Your “art of the program” design innovation has dried up.

Does any of these sound like you? If so, this is a webinar you can’t miss.

In this webinar, Fielo’s Husseni Rasiwala and industry analyst Tim Harmon clear up the murk around what “gamification” actually means/entails. And then, they get into it—they bat and debate the value and aspects of gamification as applied to channel incentive program strategy, with plenty of real-world examples.

Watch this webinar to learn how you can employ one or more of the 7 elements of gamification to re-energize your incentive program and your channel partners’ performance to new heights.

click here to watch our webnair and learn more

Amp it! Using gamification to energize your incentive program

Your channel incentive program isn’t drawing as many channel partner participants as it did a couple of years ago. Your program’s ROI has come under suspicion/scrutiny. Your “art of the program” design innovation has dried up.

Does any of these sound like you? If so, this is a webinar you can’t miss.

In this webinar, Fielo’s Husseni Rasiwala and industry analyst Tim Harmon clear up the murk around what “gamification” actually means/entails. And then, they get into it—they bat and debate the value and aspects of gamification as applied to channel incentive program strategy, with plenty of real-world examples.

Watch this webinar to learn how you can employ one or more of the 7 elements of gamification to re-energize your incentive program and your channel partners’ performance to new heights.

click here to watch our webnair and learn more